Employment & Recruiting
Access the largest database of foreign and bilingual job seekers in Japan.
Over 20 years in the jobs market has provided GPlusMedia with an extensive database of more than 500,000 English-speaking and bilingual job seekers.
Over 8,000 companies have turned to our job services for our specialized recruitment solutions in Japan. Firms looking to fill crucial positions that require Japanese and English (or other language) skills rely on the ability of our employment services — CareerEngine and GaijinPot Jobs — to provide just the right people for the positions they need to fill.
We’ve helped thousands of companies recruit foreign staff for a wide range of jobs.

Job seekers using our employment services at a glance.
*(As of April 2021)
Link Interac
Apple (Japan)
Amazon Data Services Japan
Mori Trust Hotels & Restaurants
Park Hyatt Tokyo
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