Communications solutions for companies that want to reach the foreign community in Japan.
We are the foreign community’s No. 1 resource for finding apartments, jobs, schools and information on living your best life in Japan. We produce Japan’s most used English-language news and information sites including CareerEngine, GaijinPot, GaijinPot Jobs, Japan Today, Real Estate Japan and Savvy Tokyo.

Advertising & Marketing
Creative digital and offline strategies for marketing in Japan.

Employment &
Effective employment and recruiting services for companies hiring in Japan.

Housing &
Real Estate
Multilingual real estate service for companies in the Japanese market.

& Study
Student recruitment services for schools in Japan that want to enroll overseas students.

& Events
GPlusMedia holds various events and seminars — both online and offline — to help clients in Japan attract foreign staff and students; buy, rent or sell real estate and promote useful products and services in the marketplace.